Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to Give Woman What They Want

How to Give Woman What They Want
That's the question isn't it ?

What are women looking for in a man ? You've heard some of the most common ideas :






Luckily for you and I, this isn't necessarily what they are looking for at all. If it were, only about 1% of the male population would be successful with women since only about that many men fit that "ideal" description.

Here's the truth :

A woman wants a man that can make her feel like a million bucks.

Think about it for a second.

If you can make a woman feel like the absolute queen of the world when she is with you, she will never want to leave your side. She will be almost magnetically drawn to you by her need to feel that way.

This is true because women are much more motivated by their feelings than men who, on the other hand, tend to be much more logical and process oriented.

If you can consistently impress a woman with overwhelmingly positive feelings things like your appearance, financial situation, and height just won't seem to matter to her anymore.

How do you instill these positive feelings I speak of ?

Well, that is the trick isn't it ?

There are 3 things that come into play :

How you present yourself

What you say

Her situation

Now, you can't really control her situation so let's focus on the first two; how you present yourself and what you say.

There are many powerful and effective techniques and strategies that you can employ that will raise her interest and overwhelm her with positive feelings. I don't have nearly enough room in this report to go into all of them so for now I will address the bare bones basics.

How you present yourself
Present yourself as a man. Women want men. Don't allow popular culture to strip you of your masculinity. Women are seeking the ideal man, who is confident, self sufficient, respectable, etc. They do not want someone who is insecure, desperate, and intimidated.

Curiously, the latter is the exact image that most men portray to women !

Nothing is less attractive to women than desperate, unconfident men.

Typically, when a man approaches a woman he becomes nervous, insecure, and unconfident portraying himself as the exact opposite of what women wants. This is due to a lack of understanding and can be easily remedied with the right knowledge. With the right knowledge you will feel competent and in control. This will be evident to the woman and she will be attracted to this unmistakable air confidence that you exude.

Desperation and neediness is the Achilles Heel of otherwise successful men. Women can sense a needy man without even having to talk to him. Learn how to kill the feeling of neediness that you are, without realizing it, putting off and your success rate with girls will literally double (if not triple).

I have coached many men who were considered to be attractive and well off. They would have been extremely successful with women their only problem was that they were, unknowingly, communicating to women that they were desperate and that they really wanted to get with her.

Women are repelled by desperation.

When you act desperate the woman instinctively pulls away. It's all part of the game right ? You pursue, she chases ?

How about no ? How about you stop chasing and she won't pull away. In fact, learn to play your cards right, and you can totally switch roles with her. You can have her chasing you… but I save those secrets for my members

Next …

What Woman Want From Man
We (men) tend to focus too much on words and when we talk to women. Remember what I said earlier? Women base things on feelings and men base things on logic.

You need to start thinking of your words as nothing more than a tool to make a woman feel a certain way. When you are talking don't focus on the conversation. Instead, focus on what effect the conversation is having on her.

Is what you are talking about making her feel good ? Is what you are saying increasing her interest in you? Is what you are discussing inducing positive, happy feelings for here ?

I hope so because she will associate whatever she is feeling with, guess whom? That's right, you.

Here are some guidelines for conversation that will keep her feeling good :

Don't discuss negative things, which would arouse negative emotions

Keep her talking about herself (everyone likes to talk about themselves)

Use her name (everyone likes to hear their name)

Do NOT compliment her too much (remember what I said about desperation? Compliments can work against you very easily)

Don't be afraid to disagree (nobody respects a yes man, show her you have some opinions and a backbone every now and then)

Don't seem too interested (which would be a sign of desperation)

So, we have established that a woman wants a confident man who isn't desperate. A man who is confident and not desperate is perceived as


A provider

In demand


To sum it up... attractive

The very things that will make her feel impressed by your presence. Are you noticing the importance of these feelings yet ?

For now, you can focus on mastering these basic principles I have outlined in this report. After that, if you really want to learn how to be successful with women and be in control of your love life you should strongly consider joining my member's area where I reveal the really cool stuff.

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

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