Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do Pheromones Work

Do Pheromones Work
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just spray on some of these magical pheromones and pick up any girl you wanted ? Do pheromones work ?

I wish I could tell you that it were that easy.

Of course, I haven't done any experiments or research that could prove that they don't work but the idea is flawed for several reasons.

First of all, there is no proof that pheromones work to attract the opposite sex. Marketers of these products make many outrageous claims :

"Attract women like magic !"

"unblocks all restraints and releases their raw animal sex drive !"

"Increases your sex appeal 1000%"

etc., etc.

Then, they point you to articles about pheromone research from highly reputable news organizations such as CNN, 20/20, New York Times, etc. as if to imply that the research these sources reported was proving the effectiveness of their product.

If you actually follow these links you find that the research only indicates that humans have a response to pheromones. In most studies they find that women, when menstruating, emit natural pheromones through their armpits. They make no mention that women are turned on by synthetic, manufactured pheromones men buy off the internet.

Dating and Pheromones
Let's pretend, for a moment, that women are mildly attracted to these pheromones. If you go into a club after bathing in these pheromones how is a woman going to be attracted to you ? You are emitting a scent that (supposedly) is turning any girl who smells it on. Well, what about the couple that is dancing next to you? In theory, that girl is getting turned on but who's to say she is getting turned on to you? She's getting turned on to that Joe Schmo she's dancing with (who didn't pay $49.95.)

So, assuming that they do work they would only benefit you in one-on-one situations.

I alluded earlier to the fact that no research mentions synthetic pheromones. These companies are selling you synthetic pheromones.

Do Pheromones Work
So the idea is flawed in three ways :

No scientific study proves that they attract women to men

If they work they would only be truly effective one on one

The pheromones they are selling are synthetic

My own experience ...

Yes, I'll admit that I was suckered into buying a bottle of this stuff about a year ago.

What did I find ?

Well, the pheromones didn't get me laid. But, I noticed that for the first couple nights I was wearing them I was even more confident than usual because I thought that they would work or at least give me an edge in some way. This was the only benefit I ever experienced. Once I realized how stupid the whole notion was I lost that confidence boost.

Summary :

If you have the money to blow I say go for it. What have you go to lose ? Who knows maybe they do work in some VERY subtle fashion. (Do not expect them to live up to the claims.)

Otherwise, save you money and do something useful for yourself that will work like getting a copy of "The Ultimate Guide to Getting Woman".

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

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