Thursday, December 10, 2009

How To Get Girls

How To Get Girls
Success with women is always relative. You need to plan your goal in advance, and then plan out a roadmap that will get you to that destination. Ask yourself: Do you want to date many women ? Have sex with women ? Find a steady partner ? Find a woman to marry ? How to get girls easily ?

Starting with your goal firmly in mind is essential before you move forward. Be honest with yourself, too. Don't go out there pretending to want a wife when you really just want to get laid and possibly have a short-term affair.

Once you've determined your goal, you set out to achieve it with measurable, achievable steps. The get girls steps I promote are these :

Target and Engage : Get her phone number. You need to Tease to Please her. With a planned approach, you tease her slightly, and then walk away with her phone number. (And, yes, it IS that easy.)


Tease to Please technique is available free to Pick Up Girls Subscribers Only

Contact her and set a "date": Call her a few days later. (At least 3-4). Then use the Tease to Please on her some more, and close for a date. Don't settle for a weak commitment, either. Get it firm. It's better to have her back out now than waste more of your time later on. There are too many fish in the sea to get caught up on one.

Meet her: Your first "date" is nothing more than getting together at a coffee shop so you can bust her chops and tease her some more, to see if she's someone you could hang out with. You keep it short (no more than 45 minutes). And you spend no more than $5.00. You've got too many women to meet to waste your time on "potential."

Re-contact : If the first meeting went well, you call her a few days later and setup something a little longer that will allow you to continue your seduction.

Meet her again: You move in more aggressively and go for your next goal: at least a kiss. If she doesn't kiss you on this date, you've got a User on your hands. She's the kind of gal who loves to date and get attention, but she's not really into you. If you get the kiss, you progress to the next step.

Continue to meet with her until you meet your goal: Again, you're systematically and confidently moving forward to the next step of getting more physically intimate with her.
Of course, if your goal is just to seduce a woman you've just met, maybe in a club or other location) than you need to amplify your attraction qualities, and move forward more aggressively with your progression. Be as brash and funny as you can. The more you convey that you're a man who has something she wants, the more she'll want you.

Confidence all along this continuum is of the utmost importance. You convey high self-confidence to a woman to impress upon her that you are a man worth knowing, and that she needs to find out what's behind your mystery. You demonstrate self-confidence with your actions, and your words. Women respond to self-confidence like ants to a picnic, and that's your mega-weapon for getting any lady you want.

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

How to Give Woman What They Want

How to Give Woman What They Want
That's the question isn't it ?

What are women looking for in a man ? You've heard some of the most common ideas :






Luckily for you and I, this isn't necessarily what they are looking for at all. If it were, only about 1% of the male population would be successful with women since only about that many men fit that "ideal" description.

Here's the truth :

A woman wants a man that can make her feel like a million bucks.

Think about it for a second.

If you can make a woman feel like the absolute queen of the world when she is with you, she will never want to leave your side. She will be almost magnetically drawn to you by her need to feel that way.

This is true because women are much more motivated by their feelings than men who, on the other hand, tend to be much more logical and process oriented.

If you can consistently impress a woman with overwhelmingly positive feelings things like your appearance, financial situation, and height just won't seem to matter to her anymore.

How do you instill these positive feelings I speak of ?

Well, that is the trick isn't it ?

There are 3 things that come into play :

How you present yourself

What you say

Her situation

Now, you can't really control her situation so let's focus on the first two; how you present yourself and what you say.

There are many powerful and effective techniques and strategies that you can employ that will raise her interest and overwhelm her with positive feelings. I don't have nearly enough room in this report to go into all of them so for now I will address the bare bones basics.

How you present yourself
Present yourself as a man. Women want men. Don't allow popular culture to strip you of your masculinity. Women are seeking the ideal man, who is confident, self sufficient, respectable, etc. They do not want someone who is insecure, desperate, and intimidated.

Curiously, the latter is the exact image that most men portray to women !

Nothing is less attractive to women than desperate, unconfident men.

Typically, when a man approaches a woman he becomes nervous, insecure, and unconfident portraying himself as the exact opposite of what women wants. This is due to a lack of understanding and can be easily remedied with the right knowledge. With the right knowledge you will feel competent and in control. This will be evident to the woman and she will be attracted to this unmistakable air confidence that you exude.

Desperation and neediness is the Achilles Heel of otherwise successful men. Women can sense a needy man without even having to talk to him. Learn how to kill the feeling of neediness that you are, without realizing it, putting off and your success rate with girls will literally double (if not triple).

I have coached many men who were considered to be attractive and well off. They would have been extremely successful with women their only problem was that they were, unknowingly, communicating to women that they were desperate and that they really wanted to get with her.

Women are repelled by desperation.

When you act desperate the woman instinctively pulls away. It's all part of the game right ? You pursue, she chases ?

How about no ? How about you stop chasing and she won't pull away. In fact, learn to play your cards right, and you can totally switch roles with her. You can have her chasing you… but I save those secrets for my members

Next …

What Woman Want From Man
We (men) tend to focus too much on words and when we talk to women. Remember what I said earlier? Women base things on feelings and men base things on logic.

You need to start thinking of your words as nothing more than a tool to make a woman feel a certain way. When you are talking don't focus on the conversation. Instead, focus on what effect the conversation is having on her.

Is what you are talking about making her feel good ? Is what you are saying increasing her interest in you? Is what you are discussing inducing positive, happy feelings for here ?

I hope so because she will associate whatever she is feeling with, guess whom? That's right, you.

Here are some guidelines for conversation that will keep her feeling good :

Don't discuss negative things, which would arouse negative emotions

Keep her talking about herself (everyone likes to talk about themselves)

Use her name (everyone likes to hear their name)

Do NOT compliment her too much (remember what I said about desperation? Compliments can work against you very easily)

Don't be afraid to disagree (nobody respects a yes man, show her you have some opinions and a backbone every now and then)

Don't seem too interested (which would be a sign of desperation)

So, we have established that a woman wants a confident man who isn't desperate. A man who is confident and not desperate is perceived as


A provider

In demand


To sum it up... attractive

The very things that will make her feel impressed by your presence. Are you noticing the importance of these feelings yet ?

For now, you can focus on mastering these basic principles I have outlined in this report. After that, if you really want to learn how to be successful with women and be in control of your love life you should strongly consider joining my member's area where I reveal the really cool stuff.

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

Cheap Date Ideas

Cheap Date Ideas
There are a few basic considerations in planning a cheap date with a girl :

how cheap it is

how much fun you can have

how much you can learn about her

how much fun she has

Movies are too cliche and there is no opportunity to learn about one another. A dinner date can be extremely boring if you are with the wrong person and you probably don't feel like wasting a lot of money on some girl you aren't even sure you like yet. It's also important that they two of you have a good time together, right ?

So what's the first date that makes you unique, practically guarantees that the two of you will have a good time together and doesn't cost an arm and a leg ?

Cheap Date Fun Idea
A 'LIVE' Comedy Show.

Admission will be around $20. That's cheap to most people. Even if your date ends up being a mind-numbing, uptight tree-hugger you will have a great time. On the other hand, if she's your kind of woman she will be having the time of her life as well. And you know what they say about positive association.

To top it all off you will learn A LOT about her. Not only do you discover if she has your sense of humor, comedians bring up all kinds of great topics (politics, gender roles, race, religion, etc.) and with a little observation you can glean all kinds of useful information about her by how she reacts to the different jokes.

So basically, it's a cheap date that will help you decide whether or not she's a keeper. If she is you will have shown her what a fun guy you are to be with. If not, at least you had a good time.

It doesn't matter if it is a cheap date or expensive date. Importantly, you need to make the date interesting so you can ensure a second date.

Get more dating tips and tricks in Instant Attraction Program.

Going out for dinner and a movie is undoubtedly one of the most popular dates couples experience. However, it is also one of the very worst -- especially for couples who are early in the dating stage. I'll explain why those dates are potentially harmful to your relationship and how you can plan a far more creative date with less money.

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

Nice Guys Finish Last

Nice Guys Finish Last
How many times have you heard the phrase "nice guys finish last" ? You probably can't even count how many times you've heard some frustrated guy say this. You might even say this yourself quite frequently. So, what is it about "Nice Guys" that cause their hearts to get stomped on by women and people in general? I'm going to help explain this as clearly as possible.

First, it is NOT the fact that a guy is "nice" that makes him unattractive to women. Being nice is a great personality trait and there's nothing wrong with being a nice person. So many men are under the impression that they were "too nice" and that's why they got stomped on and stepped over. Wrong !

No more Mr. Nice Guy
The first and most crucial mistake a guy can make is to lie to himself about the REAL reason that woman got scared off. Most of the time he is just too needy and attempts to build his entire existence and happiness around being with her. Guys...this is TOO MUCH pressure and feels suffocating. Men don't like overly needy women and women don't like overly needy men. So, how do you avoid turning into a clump of belly button lint stuck in some woman's navel? NOT build your life around her or anyone else, for that matter. Have your own interests and activities. Build a happy and healthy life for yourself so that when you do find a good woman she compliments the good life you already have rather than creates or completes your life. Every good and quality relationship includes time away from each other and room for each person to be an individual as well as part of a couple.

Nice Guy Syndrome
Another mistake so many nice guys make is to devote all of their time into doing things for other people to the point where they aren't taking care of themselves. Learn to say no when you need or want to say it. It's okay to put your own needs and wants ahead of doing things for others that they could do for themselves. If you don't take care of yourself first you won't be worth a damn to anyone else. How can you be there for that woman in your life if you don't see to your own needs first? You can't.

Love is a wonderful thing, and it's a precious gift you can give to other people. However, most importantly, you MUST love yourself first. Until you can genuinely love yourself you can't love another person in a healthy way. So many "nice guys" mistakenly believe that if they worship the ground a woman walks on and idolizes her that she will automatically return the same treatment towards him. These are what I like to call "Unrealistic Expectations". More often than not, these kinds of expectations go unmet and lead to pain, frustration and sometimes anger. These expectations are nothing more than premeditated resentments. This isn't healthy behavior and what it boils down to is a heavy dose of self inflicted suffering. Never set yourself up for this kind of disappointment. Treat yourself better than this.

Finally...if a man spends all of his time catering to the whims of others, how can he find the time to have a full and rich life? He can't, and his life is spent helping others to make their lives more interesting while his life becomes more and more dull and boring. He has little energy left for his own adventures and excitement and his love life suffers as a result. Women don't like boredom and stagnation.

The mistakes nice guys make are

Being too needy

Unrealistic Expectations/Premeditated Resentments

Idolizing a woman

Living for everyone else but himself and becoming dull

Making his happiness and existence too dependent on his relationships with others

If you recognize your own behavior in this list, you have probably blamed your "niceness" for hindering your relationships with women. Hopefully this article will help you to see and understand exactly where the problem is and what you need to do to fix it.

Here are a few things you can start doing right away to help you to stop making this mistakes with women.

Start saying "No" when you don't want to do someone a favor. "Sorry, I can't" is just as easy to say, and the world won't stop turning if you say no.

Go spend some time with and on yourself...make your life exciting and interesting. Do things you enjoy just because you enjoy it. You deserve this! It's YOUR life!

Don't worship women. They are human, make mistakes and aren't perfect. They are just like you for the most part, and are no better or worse than you are. Don't treat them like they deserve more than you do. If you don't respect yourself women won't respect you either.

You "need" food and water. You "need" shelter. You don't "need" any specific person to create your happiness and make you "somebody". If you feel like you "need" someone else to be happy then your feelings towards that person are NOT healthy. It's healthy to "want" someone to compliment who you ALREADY are, but NOT to "need" someone to define or complete you.

In conclusion ... don't lose the niceness, lose the neediness.

Click here to learn how to become a bad guy that women loves...

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

How To Approach Woman

How To Approach Woman
So, you spot a "10", blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs, you walk up to her and …

YOU: "Hey"
HER: "Hi"
YOU: "Sooooo… come here often?"
HER: "No."
YOU: "Oh, I see…"

Let's be honest, approaching women isn't easy. It can be awkward, embarrassing, and downright difficult. But, like most things in life, if you know what you are doing it's easier and with a little practice you can get pretty dang good at it.

When approaching women you should concentrate on three things :

setting her at ease

impressing her

getting her number

All else is optional. I'm assuming that the whole reason you are approaching this girl is to get her number so that you can pursue her further. Let's take a closer look :

Setting her at ease…

Why is this important ? Women get approached more than you think by weirdos and perverts. For this reason, women automatically put up their defenses when a guy approaches them. They become more critical and irritable. How do you get her to drop these defenses? Be friendly, smile, and keep the mood light. If you are nervous, she is going to know that you are trying to pick her up.

Also, don't try to "pick her up." Most likely she thinks that is the only reason you are talking to her so don't act like you are trying to pick her up. Just carry on a conversation, chat, make jokes, heck, don't be afraid to disagree with her, tease her… anything goes. Treat her like you would anybody else and she will notice and drop her barriers.

Impressing her…

Obviously, if a girl is going to get her interest up. When you ask a girl for her phone number she is thinking "Do I really want this guy calling my house?" Basically, she decides how much she likes you. The guys that don't impress her get rejected the one's she is interested in get the number.

Impress women ?
Well, it sounds strange but the best thing you can do is let her talk about herself. Keep the conversation focused on her as much as possible. Letting her take control of the conversation ensures she won't get bored, let's you learn more about her, and keeps you from saying something stupid. You can't lose !

Do NOT make the mistake of talking about yourself in an effort to increase her interest. It does NOT work that way.

Also, don't drag the conversation out any longer than necessary. Get her interest up and then get out of there…

Get women phone number…
Ahh, the moment of truth. Inevitably it will come time to part ways and when it does give her the 'ol "Can I get your phone number?" (or some variation thereof). DO IT!!! Don't chicken out.

To improve your chances of success don't wait for an awkward lull in the conversation. Make her laugh and then pop the question. Also, give her a reason to give you her number. For example, instead of saying, "Can I get your number?" say, "Can I get your number so that we can do something this weekend?" or, "I'd like to get in touch with you again, can I get your number?" You get the idea. This will improve your chances IF you managed to impress her.

In the end, approaching women is a numbers game. A certain percentage of women will already be taken, another percentage doesn't give out their phone number (no matter who asks), a certain percentage isn't interested, but there is, of course, a certain percentage that will give you their number. It may not be a high percentage but there IS a percentage.

Don't be frustrated because you approached 5 girls and none of them gave you their number. I have coached hundreds of men on how to be successful with women. On average, most guys will get rejected 4 out of 5 times. But, that means that if you approach 25 women a week you will get 5 numbers. Don't get frustrated.

Now, you are thinking "This is all fine and dandy but how do I start a conversation? That's the hard part." Well, there is no magic bullet I'm afraid. With practice it will become easier but I won't leave you with nothing.

Here's an opening line that works very well for me
"Why do you look so sad ?" or "Why do you look so happy ?" (depends on how she looks of course). Say it with confidence, with a big smile on your face and it will work well. Give it a try … you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well it works.

This works well for two reasons

It is an open ended question. It demands more than a yes or no answer so it will get her talking and leave you with the opportunity to ask more questions.

It will set her at ease. It's not a traditional, cheesy pick up line.

Get more sneaky tricks from Advance Approaching Secrets.

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

Good Pick Up Lines for Guys

Good Pick Up Lines for Guys
According to a University of Chicago study, "hi" is the best opening line there is, followed by "how do you like the band?" (but only if a band is, in fact, playing).

All the cutsie lines you've heard--"Is heaven missing a couple of angels? 'Cause I can see them bouncing around inside your blouse,"--don't work any better, and usually work quite a bit worse. Even if the cutsie line does work, you are still left with the same basic problem--"there's a human being in front of me, what do I say?" "Hi" works the best at getting you to that point.

But what if the woman you want to say "hi" to isn't anywhere near you, and you'd have to go up to her. What do you do then?

Try the "goodbye introduction." This is a cousin of the "goodbye compliment,".

Imagine you are at the gym, and you see a woman who is really attractive to you. But she's busy lifting weights, and it seems like your gym is not such a friendly place, anyway. The opportunity is this: time your leaving the gym for when she is between sets, or stretching. Then on your way out, introduce yourself like this (smile while you do it!):

"Hi, I'm just leaving, but before I do, I really wanted to introduce myself to the woman who has such wonderful form. My name is David." She says something back, like "Oh hi, my name is Tracy," then you say something like "I hope to see you here again." Then you leave.

This creates an opening for you to talk to her next time you see her.
"Hi Tracy, how are you?" It also gives you a way of interacting with her for the first time without there being much risk--since you tell her up front you are leaving, she's less likely to be afraid of you wasting lots of her time--but you still show your romantic interest, making it harder for her to think of you as "just a friend."

It even builds your esteem, and teaches your nervous system that you can actually survive talking to beautiful women, which makes it more likely you'll do it again. In time this can even help you develop the confidence to ask for her number and email address. But for now, just try this much, you can build on it later.

I would suggest you learn up more tips and tricks from Ron Louis and David Copeland, dating coaches and authors of the best-selling "How to Succeed with Women" and creators of the tape series course, "The Mastery Program: Your Step-by-Step Course in Finding, Meeting, Dating and Seducing the Women of Your Dreams" and "Overcoming the Nice Guy Syndrome: How to Stop Being Shy without Becoming a Jerk."

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }

Do Pheromones Work

Do Pheromones Work
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just spray on some of these magical pheromones and pick up any girl you wanted ? Do pheromones work ?

I wish I could tell you that it were that easy.

Of course, I haven't done any experiments or research that could prove that they don't work but the idea is flawed for several reasons.

First of all, there is no proof that pheromones work to attract the opposite sex. Marketers of these products make many outrageous claims :

"Attract women like magic !"

"unblocks all restraints and releases their raw animal sex drive !"

"Increases your sex appeal 1000%"

etc., etc.

Then, they point you to articles about pheromone research from highly reputable news organizations such as CNN, 20/20, New York Times, etc. as if to imply that the research these sources reported was proving the effectiveness of their product.

If you actually follow these links you find that the research only indicates that humans have a response to pheromones. In most studies they find that women, when menstruating, emit natural pheromones through their armpits. They make no mention that women are turned on by synthetic, manufactured pheromones men buy off the internet.

Dating and Pheromones
Let's pretend, for a moment, that women are mildly attracted to these pheromones. If you go into a club after bathing in these pheromones how is a woman going to be attracted to you ? You are emitting a scent that (supposedly) is turning any girl who smells it on. Well, what about the couple that is dancing next to you? In theory, that girl is getting turned on but who's to say she is getting turned on to you? She's getting turned on to that Joe Schmo she's dancing with (who didn't pay $49.95.)

So, assuming that they do work they would only benefit you in one-on-one situations.

I alluded earlier to the fact that no research mentions synthetic pheromones. These companies are selling you synthetic pheromones.

Do Pheromones Work
So the idea is flawed in three ways :

No scientific study proves that they attract women to men

If they work they would only be truly effective one on one

The pheromones they are selling are synthetic

My own experience ...

Yes, I'll admit that I was suckered into buying a bottle of this stuff about a year ago.

What did I find ?

Well, the pheromones didn't get me laid. But, I noticed that for the first couple nights I was wearing them I was even more confident than usual because I thought that they would work or at least give me an edge in some way. This was the only benefit I ever experienced. Once I realized how stupid the whole notion was I lost that confidence boost.

Summary :

If you have the money to blow I say go for it. What have you go to lose ? Who knows maybe they do work in some VERY subtle fashion. (Do not expect them to live up to the claims.)

Otherwise, save you money and do something useful for yourself that will work like getting a copy of "The Ultimate Guide to Getting Woman".

Get This Ebook For 14.99,You Will Quickly Learn Everything You Need Know On Getting Woman And You Will Instantly Start Getting Woman Today !!! { Life's short " Enjoy Every Minute Of It }